Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Plague Called Humanity THE GRINDER INTERVIEW

1.Thanks for your time. Tell us about your band and what you do for your band. 

Hello, my name is Alex and I'm a singer, manager and actually almighty in the band Plague Called Humanity. 
The roots of the PCH trace back to 2008, when we met with our guitarist Cypher and started to try the first attempts. 
The great inspiration for us at that time was Psyclone Nine and Czech EBM legend Vanessa on one side, and on the other side a crust/hardcore bands like Skitsystem and Tragedy.  
After several unsuccessful attempts, we finally met our first keyboard player Willy, with whom we put together the first stuff and in 2015 we played the first concert and made first demo "Cyber Trash". 
Same year, Willy, after a bit of a stormy drug escapade, "was out of the band" and replased by Dave, who played with his solo project as openning act before us at same show. 
After some concerts, we knew that it worked, but something was missing. That is why we add new band mamber, drummer BereNika and she give us new energy.

2.When did you decide you wanted to be in a band? 

Since the late 1990s, I have been a member of several bands, but it has never been. 
I like extreme guitar music, but I also like electronics and i always wish to connect these two worlds. 
My long time dream will finally come true with PCH.

3. What is different about being a musician than you imagined? 

I dont know, really! :D Becouse im making music from my 14 and I had concerts for thousands of people, and gigs fot one person. 

4.What gear do you use and why? 

For live perfomance with PCH im using gear from Electro Voice, TC Electronics, Audix and Sanheiser. For my another projects i have gear from Novation, Korg and Akai for my live setup. 

5. What music do you listen to that would surprise people? 

in fact i love any kind of good music. Somtimes im in a mood for listening some folk or alternative pop or gothic music. You cant listen to Extreme Noise Terror 24/7 :D 

6. How do we find your music and merch to buy? 

Our music and merch are found on the Bandcamp profile: https://pchband.bandcamp.com/releases
And maybe we can manage the email or facebook.

7. How did you get a record deal? Or do you want a record deal or are you DIY? 

We made everything DIY, becouse belive that people return us our energy that we spend to making our record. 

8. What bands do people compare your music to? 

We have a lot of friends in music industry all arount the world that support us and we support them. 
If i would name someone i must mention our "sister" band BloodPact, they are amazing people and they made mix and master of our cd. Another great people are Jerk In The Can from Vancouver, ESA from UK and Dolls of Pain from Paris. 

9. Are you pro Spotify / streaming services ? Or do you think it hurts sales? 

Do not think that Spotify does hurt our wallet because our music is for free. We sell only physical records.

10. What’s the ultimate goal for the band? 

Made second CD.

11. Will we see you tour? 

Yes, we love to play at new places. Next spring we would play at Italy and Slovenia. For autumn we plan tour at north USA and Canada. 

12. Who would you love to tour with? 

i thing tour with Rabbit Junk or Youth Code would be epic...but most dream band is The Porodigy. 

13.What is your favorite song of yours and why? 

For me is every PCH song and especialy lyrics are something like my babyes. But my beloved song are The Truth...becouse truth is the the most powerful weapon in our lives. 

14. Why should people take the time to listen to your band over the thousands of other bands? 

It's just up to them. But we have something for everyone and have our own face. Wild and agresive energy, brutal vocals and guitar rifs, but at other side nice and melodic electronic pasages that make you dance. 

15.What are your favorite music websites labels podcast etc? 

When I have to talk for myself, I do not have any. 

16. Is imagery important to you? Do you judge albums by the cover? 

Nope, music album is something like a human body. Sometimes it have nice face, but inse is only crap garbage. Im trying to giving chance for any record that i hold in hands. 

17.If you could choose a cover song your band mates would hate what would it be?

Some crap from Manowar on another low cast heavy metal vomit. 

18.Is the record or live show more important? 

For us are live gigs something like live blood, tehy are very important for our existence. 

19. Name 3 people dead or alive you would want to play your music for. 

Dawid Bowie, Nivek Ogre, Mark "Barney" Greenway

20. Lemmy Ozzy Dio and Rob Halford in a cage match who wins? 

Lemmy...for 69 reasons :D 

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