Sunday, September 29, 2019

Off The Deep End interview : Bob Ross Ariels Attic

1.Why Bass?

It’s complicated. I had a nasty accident when I was 12 that left me without the full use of my left hand. I come from a musical family, one of my uncles played piano for the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, and he suggested learning the guitar might be a way to regain full function of my hand. It totally ended up working, but it was heavy going and took a couple of years. In the beginning just going from a G7 to a D was literally physically painful.   

Fast forward a bit and I find myself in a high school garage band with three guitarists and a drummer. Someone had to play bass, and just the thought of not having to play those freaking chords anymore was too tempting. I traded in my shitty department store guitar for a shitty department store bass and never looked back.
Over the next several years I just fell in love with the instrument. Eventually I even managed to work out how to do those fucking chords on the bass! I love the idea of being the ‘silent mover’, I beleive it’s the bass that gives music it’s sense of forward direction. If you’re listening to a song you love and your body is moving in any way at all...that’s the bass doing that to you.
I’ll leave it with this gem I heard a few years ago: singers speak to the heart, guitarists speak to the soul, bassists speak to...other parts of the anatomy that shall remain nameless in a family friendly setting ;)

Told you it was complicated.

2.Do you think it is unfair or just lack of knowledge bass gets so little credit?
Mostly lack of knowledge I think. In fact I think among musicians who’ve been at it a while it isn’t even true that there’s a lack of credit. I don’t think it’s unfair, it’s just a thing. You admire the impressive skyscraper with its shiny glass reflecting the sun, and I wouldn’t expect anyone to immediately consider the foundation hidden underneath that holds it all together. And that’s ok. Silent mover, you know :)

3.What kind of bass do you use? Model , color , year , And why
My main axe is my trusty Fender Geddy Lee Jazz. I think I bought it in 2010 or thereabouts. It just fits me like a glove.
I also have an ESP LTD B-205SM 5-string that I’ll use when drop-D isn’t drop-enough :)


4.Tell us about your amplification
Out of the bass into the pedal board (Boss tuner->MXR Bass Comp->EHX Big Muff Pi Deluxe->Boss Bass EQ) and then into an Ampeg SVT Pro-7 feeding an Ampeg PortaFlex 4x10


5. With all of that being said do you feel tone is an important thing for bass?
You are your tone. There, I said it LOL!
But your tone shouldn’t be set in stone, it has to work with the guitars or else it’s just a bloody mess no matter how good it sounds alone. Again, the Silent Mover.

6.Do you prefer 5 strings over 4 string?
I have one of each and I prefer the 4. It’s probably an unfair comparison though because the 4 happens to be the Jazz

7.Who is your favorite bassist?
I can’t just name one. Geddy Lee, Steve Harris, Jaco, Stu Hamm, John Myung, Billy Sheehan...

8. Who is your least favorite bassist?
Pass. I don’t do musician bashing.

9.Why do you think women seem to be attracted to playing bass?
Same reason that dudes who are attracted to bass are, it makes you move.
(There’s that Silent Mover thing again.)

10. What bassist dead or alive would you like a private lesson with?

11. Bonus question
Bobby Doll , Nikki Sixx , Les Claypool , Billy Sheehan which is more ridiculous and why
See #8

                                                                              Bob and Stu Hamm

Saturday, September 28, 2019

THE AXEMEN SERIES: Horace Young Jr She, The Serpent

1.Tell us your name and the band you play for  Horace Young Jr.  She, The Serpent


2.Who made you want to pick up the guitar  I liked the speed and sound of 80’s thrash metal.  I wanted to play what they played.

3.Are you self taught or did you take lessons?  I am self taught

4. Can you read music, Can you read tab?  I can read music fluently and I have had formal music theory education.  No I cannot


5.Do you feel like you have your own sound / tone ?  I think it is evolving.  I wanted to separate myself from the sound I had in my last band so I brought in a pedal to combine with my tube amp.

6.Tell us about your guitar ( brand ,model . year , color ) I play a Shecter Omen 6.  I bought this guitar in 2015.  Its red because all of my other axes are black.  I am a lefty, so finding a guitar is not easy, as a matter a fact it is almost impossible.  I have to have each one custom set up because they are trash from the factory.


7.What about pickups? Passive or active ? Tell us about them Right now they are passive because I really like the way it sounds.  But I am going to switch out to some Seymour Duncan  pickups out of another guitar because I want an even thicker sound.

8.Lets get into amplification, Same drill brand , model , speakers etc  Marshal DSL 100 nothing special.  I love Marshall sound.

9.Do you have a pedal board? Tell us about that badboy  No board, but I use the BOSS Metalcore pedal.

10..Now tell us your Dream Rig in detail…..I think I am playing it. 

11.What guitarist can you not stand?  Mad respect to all guitar players.  All of us are just trying to be good at their craft.

I12. Is tone more important or is technique?  Its hard to have one without the other.  The are really interlocking as far as a musician goes.

13. Name your top 5 guitarist. 

In No Particular Order
Jeff Hanneman
Pat Metheny
Dave Mustaine
Zakk Wylde
Tony Iommi

14.Who is the most overrated guitarist.  Me

15.Who would you like a one hour private sit down lessons with anyone dead or alive?

It would have to be Jeff Hanneman.  Slayer is one of my most influential bands, and I would like to learn more about his technique.


Friday, September 27, 2019


 1.Introduce yourself and your band and tell us why we should listen to you.

DARREN: Hi we are the band PowerTribe and you should listen to us if you like the old school metal mixed in with some newer, heavier and faster music. We have a nice mix of heaviness and melody.
MISSY: I'm Missy and I play bass, keys, and I sing in PowerTribe. 

JOHN: You should listen to us because you're tired of listening to everyone else ;-)

2.What do you classify your sound as, Who do you tell people you sound like?

DARREN: We are pretty much straight up heavy metal. Influences are Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Arch Enemy, Iced Earth.
MISSY: People tells us that we sound like Iron Maiden.
JOHN: Funny because we don't like to classify ourselves. Some people have told us they hear Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, or Queensryche influences in there, but we seriously don't try to fit any mold or steer toward any particular crowd or genre.

3.With digital music in today's world would you vote to keep or eliminate physical media?

DARREN: We still like physical media, but also understand the importance of digital. But we still prefer physical.
MISSY: I vote to keep everything physical because the grid could go down at any moment. If I have a digital copy of an important book, I try to find the physical copy and I store it. It is just the way that I am designed as a person.
JOHN: I vote we bring back the 8-track tape! Kidding. You know, there was something to be said about walking to a record store and buying a piece of vinyl or CD or even cassette, walking home, putting in your stereo and sitting on the couch to listen to it from beginning to end while admiring the cover art and reading along with the lyrics. It's a bit of a bummer that people are so quick to listen to half a song and skip to the next one and so on. That being said, it's amazing that music can be so easily shared around the world via digital.

4.What is the reason you decided to be a musician and has that reason paid off?
DARREN: Music was an easy choice. Originally it was just something I was drawn to because I loved the energy. And being able to re-produce the energy I felt from my favorite bands was the best thing in the world. Yeah, it’s definitely paid off. Even if I’m never a huge rock star, being a musician has made me as happy as I can ever imagine being -- that is priceless. 
MISSY: I think that Music chose me. I started playing music at a very young age and I was considered a child prodigy. I actually tried to "leave" Music because I was more interested in natural sciences, philosophy, theology & theosophy, but I would always write music all the time. I realized that I belonged to the "music family" of the world. So then ... I purposely chose Music again. Music makes me feel "normal". And I am able to use my knowledge of my studies to express myself through music.
JOHN: Honesty, I want to play music I enjoy with people I care about. If I get to play it live in front of a crowd or have fans listen to a recording......I consider that a bonus.

5.How do you feel about females in metal getting special attention? Do you feel it is fair?
DARREN: I haven’t really noticed that. I think it’s cool when females are doing metal - they definitely contribute nicely to the music.
MISSY: I am so new to the metal arena that I didn't realize that females were getting special attention in metal. Do I feel that it is fair? Well, I don't think that anything is fair haha!
JOHN: Male, female, white, black, purple, orange, young, old......doesn't matter. All should have a chance to shine........equally!

6.In the world climate with hatred being at an all time high and metal being an “ angry” music Do you think your music contributes to anger and hatred?

DARREN: Oh I never considered metal to contribute to anger. If anything doing some headbanging releases energy and also energizes you at the same time, so I think it's a great counter balance to the anger of the world.
MISSY: I hope not.
JOHN: We believe in self empowerment. We don't want to preach to people, and encourage people to interpret our songs how they'd like, but we certainly hope it makes people feel better, which in turn helps make the world a better place.

7.Are you opposed to religious beliefs or politics being used in music?

DARREN: Not at all, music is an extension of who you are, so I think it’s quite natural to include that.
MISSY:  No. Music is just another vehicle of expression and people can drive where they want to in the world of music.
JOHN: Music is art. And it's interpretive. I like to think our songs have messages, but we're certainly not preaching.

8.We have dive into some pretty deep issues here do you think your music sends a message and if so what is it?

DARREN: I think our music has a super positive message and vibe, we just wanna rock and have a good time with our audience.
MISSY: I think "Prepare For Battle" is more like a commentary or news reporting. I wouldn't say that we are a voice in the wilderness because it is way past any warnings. It is more about a future that is devastated and how you survive in it.
JOHN: Our last album Prepare For Battle isn't a concept album per se, but there is an underlying theme of survival.

9.The market has changed and many bands believe that record labels are a thing of the past, with many labels now charging bands to “sign” how do you think a band can make it in todays scene?

DARREN: Just gotta do the music you love and put in hard work and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.  But loving what you do is key, makes all the energy you put into it not even seem like work.
MISSY:  Location. Location. Location haha! Besides having a great product and package, it is more like promotion, promotion, promotion. Well, we are not signed, but for me ... I think we have already "made it". To me, I have "made it" already because if I died tomorrow, I am happy knowing that I made the music that I have made with the people that I wanted to make the music with. 

JOHN: We aren't signed and enjoy the freedoms we have with creating music; however, it sure would be great to get some help with promotion and booking us on some bigger show.

10.Why with the thousands of options including netflix , sporting events everything on demand Why do you think people should take the time to listen to what you have to say in your music?
DARREN: Music has an energy that can bring joy to people, and I think people will get joy from listening to our music. It will take you somewhere all those other types of things can’t.

MISSY: Because we are another quality option for people. We are also more than just entertainment. It is hopefully thought-provoking too.

JOHN: I think most people have a "soundtrack to their lives". Whether you go to live concerts, or need background music in your car, or hear a score in a movie or TV is everywhere. We've been lucky to be on internet radio, terrestrial radio, streaming (like Spotify), and even in the end film credits to a wonderful flick called "Black Flowers".

11.How do you feel about pay to play? Do you think it is fair for a band to have to pay money to play?

DARREN: I think it's fine - it's just another promotional tool. Paying to play could open you up to an audience that you would possibly have never reached any other way.

MISSY: Like I said before, I don't think that anything is fair and I don't expect everything to be fair. I don't live under an illusion that everything can or should be fair.

JOHN: I wish that didn't exist, but I also wish I didn't have to pay taxes. We've been very selective about shows we'll play and we prefer to share nights with bands that we truly admire and believe fit our demographic. We've opened up for Quiet Riot, Dokken, Hammerfall, John 5, and others.

12.It is fact that you are the talent and the entertainment explain what you think is the most important key to success?

DARREN: Hard to say, success comes in so many different 

ways. Networking is definitely a big part of it.

MISSY: Writing, Recording, and Providing music that people desire to hear. Then the key is to get it out there for people to hear it. So again ... promotion, promotion, promotion. Oh and maybe a GINORMOUS email list :)

JOHN: Hopefully if we can create songs that people can relate to, they'll continue to support us.

13.In country music and even in some cases rock music is written and performed by different people would your band perform a song written by someone else?

DARREN: If it was the right person/right song we might do something like that.

MISSY: If management required it (and we really liked the song) ... maybe. But we don't have management haha! So ... if we all decided to as a band (because we loved and respected a song) ... sure.

JOHN: Hmmmm.......we've actually never done a cover song. Other than a heavy metal Christmas rendition of Carol of the Bells. Sometime I'd love to hear someone cover a PowerTribe song ;-) But no, I don't think we'd hand the writing reins over to someone else. That's the point of being an original band. Not really sure why we'd want someone else to write for us?

14.If you are pro female in music are you pro using sex to sell your music?

DARREN: It’s not really necessary. And in metal I don’t think it’s really a thing.
MISSY: I think you should utilize every area to share your music ... including writing great music as well as looking good as a band. So this includes all the band members to look good (as a band).
JOHN: ???

15.What is your view on the lawsuits against people saying lewd or unprofessional things to women or men and how does that affect an art described as sex drugs and rock n roll ?

DARREN: Oh wow, not really familiar with that at all to even comment.

MISSY: It all sounds like sex, drugs, and rock n' roll craziness to me :)
JOHN: ???

16. Ok lets lighten up a bit. What is your favorite band of all time and why?

DARREN: I’d say right now Arch Enemy. The whole orchestration of the melody with the singer and the way their songs move is just perfect for me.

MISSY:  Gosh, I don't have a favorite band ... um ... PowerTribe? Yes ... PowerTribe. That's my favorite band. Why? Because John and Darren are in it haha!

JOHN: Don't have one favorite band. I don't even have a favorite decade of bands. There have been so many great artists in the past and I'm really excited about finding new bands all the time.

17.What would you be doing if you were not in a band?

DARREN: Oh I’d still be playing guitar and doing something with music.  It’s all I really know.

MISSY: I guess I would be a solo musician haha. Maybe a writer ... a teacher ... a web developer ... youtuber ... martial artist ... too many to list!

JOHN: Definitely a beach bum ;-)

18. Do you have a favorite sports team? 

DARREN: Nah, not really.

MISSY: College wrestling: Penn State 

JOHN: College football: Penn State, and NHL ice hockey: New York Rangers.

19.If you could get on stage with anyone dead or alive who would it be?
DARREN: Randy Rhoads

MISSY: For Classical: Edvard Grieg / For Country: Johnny Paycheck / For Jazz: Gonzalo Rubalcaba / FOR METAL: Dio
JOHN: My twin sons. However they're athletes and not musicians. Well, one can dream ;-)

20.This is your shot to let loose, Throw down your biggest complaint about the music biz

DARREN: No complaints - it is what it is. Just play the game, do what you love, and no matter whatever happens, you will still be happy.

MISSY: Huh ... there's a music biz?  Just kidding. Seriously, I'm too busy writing, recording, and playing music to complain.

JOHN: The fact it hasn't yet recognized that PowerTribe should be on the top of the charts and touring the world ;-)


Thursday, September 26, 2019

OFF THE DEEP END SERIES : Shane Noren of Hollow Intent

1.Why Bass?
I'm actually a punk guitarist and was thrown into playing Bass by my now guitarist/friend Wes Collins.  I love playing rhythm and truly humbled to be apart of something that is bigger then me or anybody in this thing we call music.

2.Do you think it is unfair or just lack of knowledge bass gets so little credit?
I guess it depends on the type of music you are doing and the mix of some songs?  Without the Bass you can deffently here a difference. It fills a void.

3.What kind of bass do you use? Model , color , year , And why
Right now I am using a Black Sting Ray by Music Man, with "Hollow Intent" I think its important to have a active pick-up and the sting ray has just what I need!  I love how the active pick-up really shakes the stage.

4.Tell us about your amplification
I use a 500 WATT Orange Terror, which is a Tube/Solid State Hybrid.  Peavey 4x10 Black Cab.

5. With all of that being said do you feel tone is an important thing for bass?
Tone is everything really for bass, if its dead everything else is gonna sound like poop.

6.Do you prefer 5 strings over 4 string?
Right now I am playing a 4 string Bass, I do plan on picking up a 5 string sometime in the future.

7.Who is your favorite bassist?
I would have to say Jeph Howard from "The Used"

8. Who is your least favorite bassist?
This question does not make since to me!?  No disrespect, but anybody playing music is a beautiful thing to me no matter the instrument.

9.Why do you think women seem to be attracted to playing bass?
Rhythm section lol.  I'm not sure really.

10. What bassist dead or alive would you like a private lesson with?
Hmmmmm, does it have to be a bassist?  I would love to kick it with Kurt Cobain.

11. Bonus question
Bobby Doll , Nikki Sixx , Les Claypool , Billy Sheehan  which is more ridiculous and why
I do not understand the question.  If you are talking about their names, I am going to say Bobby Doll is a weird name, haha.  They are all legends for a reason you know.

Tiffany Linton of
Marisa Seager of Security Check Required facebook link.

OFF THE DEEP END SERIES : James Pera of Corners of Sacntuary

1. Why Bass? 

James Pera: I was not cool enough to play guitar…I started playing in a band right out of the gate. I was always interested in playing in a band so when I had the opportunity, I jumped on it.   They needed a bass player.  I was in 8th grade.   Bass was my ticket in, so I faked it till I made it so to speak.    That is the honest truth of how I got started.   Having said that, as time went on, I quickly found myself really digging the back end and rhythm section of the music.   Bottom end…the heart of the song so to speak.   During the recording process, the song does not seem rounded out to me till I hear the bass track dropped in…brings out the power of music    

2. Do you think it is unfair or just lack of knowledge bass gets so little credit? 

James Pera: Honestly, I never really thought of it being fair or unfair.  My mind does not work that way at all…credit or not credit.   I have been in bands my entire life.  If you want the attention, well step up to the edge of the stage I suppose.  I don’t think the casual fan really knows the difference of what instrument is in my hands.  They like being noticed and they like interaction. I appreciate the fans very much and they want to feel like they are part of the show.  The musicians in the crowd notice, but in the end they really want to hear a great band.  Each instrument, to a musician listening, has its own story to tell.   Some good, some bad I suppose, but in the end, it’s about the band’s performance.   I dig interacting with the crowd, not because I want credit or love…I just dig that they dig our stuff. 

3. What kind of bass do you use? Model, color , year , And why? 

James Pera: I have many different types of basses, however, my player is a Hohner Professional.   I bought it in 1994.  It has a maple top…red.   My buddy owned a music store, and he gave me a deal on it.   I played it, and love the action and tone.   That was the number one reason for buying it.   I have played it since.  I have other Hohner Professional basses as well, about 6 of them.  I rehearse with one that is a touch slower than my player, and use it as my backup.   I have found that rehearsing with a slower bass helps to build your muscle memory…just a thing for me.   Having practice basses also helps extend the life of your live player.   Definitely keeps the miles down.  

4. Tell us about your amplification 


James Pera: I use Carvin as both my main head and back up head…BX1500, and BX250 micro.   If I have to travel via plane, I use a Trace Elliot 200watt micro.   I keep it pretty simple.   No effects, etc.  I have my setting memorized.  I use it with all my heads…with a few tweaks here and there.   I have found that you don’t need huge gear.  Either the room is small and you don’t need it, or it’s large and you have a sound system.  The tone is key, not the size of the gear.   I barely move the needle on my 1500…a touch past quarter way and it is screaming.  

5. With all of that being said do you feel tone is an important thing for bass? 

James Pera: 100% it should complement the music but it should also round out the bottom end.   People move their heads to drums and bass.  It is what they react to spiritually throughout the song.   People dance to the beat.   Having said that, super important that it mixes well with the band and what you are trying to achieve.   For me, a fat, round, punchy sound is the way to go.   I love the progressive sound for a bass. 

6. Do you prefer 5 strings over 4 string? 


James Pera: It’s 4 strings for me…5 confuses me….Hahahaha.  Keep it simple and drive it home I say.   Less is more in my opinion, but again, it is what complements the music best in my situation.

7. Who is your favorite bassist? 

James Pera: Geddy Lee I suppose…but more because of his overall music talent and ability.  I mean, he is aces as a bass player for sure, but an even better well rounded musician.  His style complements Rush as a band.  Fits perfect with Neil’s style and perfectly with what the band is trying to achieve.    That’s what makes them great.   Having said that, the best players I have seen over the years have been nameless…great local musicians doing their thing.

8. Who is your least favorite bassist? 

James Pera: I don’t really have one…never thought of who I don’t like.   I can tell you that as a musician, I don’t like when a bass player grand stands over the music…whether it be via volume or tone.  I see guys dragging in two bass stacks, one on each side of the drums.  They crank their bass up and kill the song, especially when the tone does not complement the music.   Less is more in my opinion…just me though.

9. Why do you think women seem to be attracted to playing bass? 

James Pera: Hmmm.  Not sure that is 100% accurate across all genres of music.  Plenty of country, folk and rock guitarist that are women…  We just opened for the Iron Maidens…Hahaha   However, I do understand the context of your question.   Not sure really…I think it might just be a cultural thing in Hard Rock and Heavy Metal.   Recently we have played with women that played drums, bass and are lead singers.   But not too many lead guitar players.   The traditional lead guitar player has typically been white, male, tall and thin.   Certainly no short, fat lead guitar players out there in Metal…hahahaha. 

10. What bassist dead or alive would you like a private lesson with? 

James Pera: Roger Waters…hands down.  Mostly because I want to see what is in his mind.   


11. Bonus question
Bobby Doll , Nikki Sixx , Les Claypool , Billy Sheehan  which is more ridiculous 

James Pera: I dunno, but they all seem to have made a good to great career…  maybe I can take some pointers.



Yoth Iria – The return of mighty Mutilator to the Metal Scene

The original founding member of two of the most extreme and influential bands of Greek Metal Scene back in the day - Rotting Christ & Varathron - welcomes a new, promising, demonic era!

After his successful comeback with the Brazilians, 'Mystifier', on their latest long awaited, full length "Protogoni Mavri Magiki Dynasteia" and his participation in the Greek Black Metal project 'Medieval Demon', Mutilator sets afire on his own unholy empire the so called Yoth Iria!

Jim's currently in George Emmanuel's 'Pentagram Studio' recording Yoth Iria's debut EP that it's going to be released later this year on Repulsive Echo.

Both band and label haven't published any material online to keep the mystery sealed and alive. Yoth Iria will be a blending of Heavy tunes, Doom Rites, Black Unoly Scriptures and Majestic Darkness. Can't wait for that one.

Until then show your love and support to the band by visiting and following their official page on Facebook! Yoth Iria

Social Links,
Band :
Label :


AXEMEN SERIES : Daniel Bradley Wolves Don’t Sleep

UK riff tyrants WOLVES DON’T SLEEP set loose a stunning metalled-up version of Panic! At The Disco’s track, Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time, out now via all stores, and here - .
Now entering their fourth year as a band, Nottingham-based WOLVES DON’T SLEEP are a fully cohesive unit who are both uncompromising and unstoppable. The ferocious quintet are relentless in their unwavering desire to create memorable and timeless music that will distinctively stand out amongst bands past, present and future. The much-rated metal crew received strong underground support for their debut EP and last single, Hope Won’t Set You Free, and they are now primed to rise even further.

The band have just released an intriguing cover of Panic! At The Disco’s hit, Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time, which is reminiscent of the Pop Goes Punk albums. This cover version helps to highlight the fivesome’s growing dexterity—balancing their playful hat-tipping with crushing and burly heaviness. The single also serves as a pre-cursor to WOLVES DON’T SLEEP’s eagerly awaited sophomore EP, Clarity, out next year.

Already widely regarded for delivering explosive and emotional live shows, WOLVES DON’T SLEEP are planning a further live attack on the UK in the near future. Stay glued to their social sites for announcements.

1. Tell us your name and the band you play for

Daniel Bradley

Wolves Don’t Sleep

2. Who made you want to pick up the guitar

The person who I watched from a young age was Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits, his intuitive guitar playing style amazed me from his chord progression to his gentle finger playing.

3. Are you self taught or did you take lessons?

I took two years of lessons when I was 5 and from that, I was 18 years self-taught

4. Can you read music, Can you read tab?

I can read music to a point, I grew up also playing the piano so I learnt sheet music when learning, which is progressed to guitar. For me personally tabs are just the cowards way out of learning proper chord structure.

5. Do you feel like you have your own sound/tone?

Yes, I think the Blackstar series 100 valve head that I currently use, mixed with a Blackstar cab with vintage 30’s in gives a different hard sound compared to a previously used Peavy Valve King

6.Tell us about your guitar ( brand ,model . year , color )

I am currently using an ESP EC1000 single cutaway, Mother of pearl inlays, gloss black with EMG 81-74 pickups, 2010 model. When I am not using this guitar I use my ESP EC1000 Single cutaway with custom Seymour Duncan 81 pickup, Matt black with gold trim. I also use a heavily modified Jackson V with custom gloss black and purple pinstripes and inlays with white EMG 81-74 pickups with A Killswitch of course.

7.What about pickups? Passive or active? Tell us about them

Active pickups give a nice warmer tone, especially if they're on a through-neck guitar 81 on the bridge and 74 on the neck to give a gritty heavy tone and still maintain a smooth and clear to the ear solo tone.

8.Let’s get into amplification, Same drill brand , model , speakers etc

Blackstar Series 100 valve head

Blackstar Series 4x12A angled

Vintage 30’s

9.Do you have a pedal board? Tell us about that badboy

I currently do not have a full pedalboard but at the moment I am using Maxon Overdrive plus a decimator G-string II noise reduction pedal and a Boss ME25 Multi-effects for Wah and reverb.

10.Now tell us your Dream Rig in detail….

Line 6 Helix with our custom tone created by Steven Jones, who is from Bleed From Within and From Sorrow To Serenity.

12. Is tone more important or is technique?


With technique your palm muting, harmonics and speed can sound just as good if you know what your doing and can execute them well.

13. Name your top 5 guitarist

1. Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits)

2. Dave Murray (Iron Maiden)

3. Corey Beaulieu (Trivium)

4. Steven Jones (Bleed From Within/From Sorrow To Serenity)

5. John Virgo (Chuggaboom)

6. Alexi Laiho (Children Of Bodom)

14.Who is the most overrated guitarist

Danny from Mcfly he’s that overrated I don’t know his last name.

15.Who would you like a one hour private sit down lessons with anyone dead or alive?

Francis Rossi (Status Quo)

INTERVIEW WITH Urith Lö bass godess

1.Tell us in a few words why you think people should listen to you over the thousands of bands out there.

I bring a unique touch to any project I’m in. I have developed a style and sound that is my own. The 3 main bands that I was in were One Step Beyond (alternative Metal), Fifteenth Summer (Hard Rock/Metal) and most recently the all-female Dormitory Effect (Metal). Each band sounds different from the other, and between them has garnered extensive accolades, placement in an X-Games soundtrack a couple of indie movies, and coveted spots at music conferences such as SXSW. I have paid my dues, and the experience shows in my playing, songwriting and work ethic. There is no studio magic, no fake numbers pumping up the friend/follower count. Just an authenticity that can’t be manufactured.

2. Name 3 bands you think your music is comparable to

My bands have been compared to Skunk Anansie, Stabbing Westward, Sevendust. As a bassist, I am a finger-style player with a style like and influenced by Steve Harris, Cliff Burton and Stanley Clarke.

3.Tell us about your latest release, how do you describe it and where can we purchase it?

The last release I played on was 2016 EP release from Fifteenth Summer, who are based in Atlanta, GA. It can be heard/purchased on Amazon Music ( and Spotify. It’s ventures into Industrial Metal with some solid musicianship from all band members. I have since departed the band, but I am proud of that record and my performance on it.


4.Do you have any video’s and where can we see them? Do you think video’s are important any longer?

Yes; videos are available on YouTube under all three bands mentioned; all taken at our live shows. is one from Dormitory Effect; is of Fifteenth Summer playing my favorite track from the EP, Black Flags (you can’t see me but I’m there also doing backup vocals). Unfortunately, none of the bands had the budget for a truly pro-shot video. I do think videos are still important because we live in a visual time; but the flipside of that is people become too focused on the image. While live band videos may be too rough for those who want movie-quality production, those videos show musicians without the studio fluff and bluster.

5. As a PR agent I am going to tell you forthright, It is expensive to make it in the music industry and it is unfair because a lot of great talent gets left behind. How far are you willing to go? How much are you willing to lose to climb this mountain?

I am no spring chicken - I have been this close to being signed with One Step Beyond, who had professional management, and radio promotion done, done scores of guerilla marketing/PR, etc. I know what is involved; I am looking for the right project and group of people who want to be working, professional musicians as much as I do, that are just as willing to make the necessary sacrifices.

6.At one time you could believe that your music was enough , Your live show was enough. Now that you know the reality of the music business what would YOU change to make it more fair to the artist?

With the Internet and things like ProTools and Auto-Tune there is no such thing as “fair” anymore. It is so saturated with folks trying to become famous it is nearly impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff. It was easier back in the day when bands and individual musicians earned a reputation through their live performances and word-of-mouth. I was fortunate to be a part of that time when you had to be able to deliver the goods live before you even thought about stepping on a stage because it made me a better player. Now…you just need a camera, live video, be social-media savvy and even the most mediocre talent can get more attention than they deserve, while other less-savvy but more naturally talented languish unheard. I do have to say that there are some amazing musicians out there, and without the Internet maybe we never would have heard of them either. So it is a double-edged sword. I admit to not being as Internet/social media savvy as I should be, but after years of building websites and internet networking, I took a break and lost a step. But I am forcing myself to get up to speed because when I am ready to join another band or release my music solo I want to be fully prepared to promote it as extensively as possible and try to find a way to cut through and be heard.

7.Youve spent tons of money on gear , spent thousands of hours rehearsing and putting everything into your dream. What level of success will you consider “ making it”?

I never had to be a “rock star” as far as mansion/millionaire/groupies – those days are long gone anyway. I just wanted to be able to make a living as a professional musician. Success on my terms would mean being able to make the music I want when I want, being able to get on good tours, and not needing a day job to survive.

8. Have you been on the road? Would you like to tour? And with who?

I have been on short tours and really enjoyed it. I loved getting to travel, meeting new people and turning them into fans with our music. I have played across the country for days straight, and while it can be stressful, it was fun being in that bubble.

I would love the opportunity to tour again! I honestly wouldn’t care what bands it was with as long as the music was in the same realm as what I’m doing.

9.You get 5 members build your dream band and go.

Lzzy Hale – vocals/guitar (Halestorm). Mario Duplantier – drums (Gojira). Mikael Akerfeldt – vocals/guitar (Opeth). Tosin Abasi – Lead Guitar (Animals as Leaders). Me on bass 😊

10.Who would you not throw under the bus for fame?
I would not throw anyone under the bus, even though it has been done to me…twice. I am a strong believer in karma, and those who did that to me ended up not having the progress/success they thought they would have. However, while I was always be kind to prior bandmates – I am still close with just about everyone I’ve ever played with – my loyalties will always lie with whatever current project I am in. I would not go out of my way to assist an old band or prior bandmate and would use every bit of resource gained from my experiences with them for my own benefit. That’s probably not very ruthless, but I like being able to sleep at night and not burn any bridges if possible.

11.Do you know about the business side of music? Do you think the business side or the entertainment side is more important?

I do. Not only am I a musician, but I have also been a band manager, a stage manager and a promoter. Both are important; both need the other in order to succeed and they need to have the same goals and expectations. Of course, there needs to be trust that everyone is going to do their best to make it all happen.

12.What is it about your live show that will make a person remember you?

Well, the obvious – I’m a short Black chick playing bass in a Metal band. There aren’t too many of those LOL…but other than that, most people do not expect me to play as well as I do. I have had other bandmates tell me I’m the reason people remember the band. They say, “This dude told me, ‘Oh! I know your band! You have that little badass bass chick, right?’” If Lemmy and Pepper Keenan go out of their way to acknowledge your playing, then other people will notice and remember it, too. That has happened for me!

13.Your girlfriend, Your family , Your friends are all going to lie to you and tell you that you are awesome, its just how the game works. So who do you trust to tell you the truth?

It’s true for the most part that your closest people and friends won’t be cruel. I did trust my late husband, who was a guitarist and a producer, to be brutally honest about my playing, my band(s), and the musicians in it. My current husband loves music and if something sucks, he’ll say so. And my Mom will never hold back her opinion, and if something doesn’t sound good, I can trust her to tell me what she likes and doesn’t like about it. So, in that regard I’m lucky because I want them to be as honest as possible for my own growth. Otherwise, my old management was a great sounding board, and I have worked with a few producers/engineers on my recordings over the years and not one was shy about voicing their honest opinion about the musicianship or the writing!

14.What constitutes kicking a member out of a band?

Not showing up for rehearsals or always cancelling last minute. Habits that are out of control and they can’t function as a band member. Not contributing when it comes to band responsibilities to the point where it is killing the morale/momentum. Of course, not showing up for a gig unless their ass was on fire.

15.How do you feel about political beliefs inside the band?What if one of your members wanted to wear a pro trump shirt live?

If the band is specifically going to have a political bent, or if a band member is going to be provocative, then all the members should be on the same “side”; everyone should be on the same page with it; and there should be no onstage surprises. In one band I was in (not one of the ones I mentioned, but another, short-lived project) the singer went on a surprise anti-female rant between songs in the middle of our set. The problem was, there were not one, but TWO women in his band (me, and one of the guitarists), and lemme tell ya, it took every bit of restraint to not beat him down right then. It was an incredibly awkward situation to be in, and your message can’t be convincing if it is clear the other band members do not agree. It needs to be a unified front, or it’s going to fall flat. As far as a band member wanting to wear a pro-Trump shirt…we’d have to have a talk…and a spare t-shirt.

16. There are a number of bands and artist out there who are gay or lgbt,
Would you support one of your members changing gender?

Been there, done that, actually! I’ve played with and enjoy music from folks of all orientations. I don’t care; I believe people should be and do what makes them happy because that makes for a better world. I only discriminate against assholes and bad music.

17.Many people consider metal music and metal fans to be racist
Share your opinions, including would you allow racism in your band if the member was talented enough?

Absolutely not. I don’t care how talented a person is, a bigot is something I cannot abide. Metal does have its share of racists or those who may not be racist per se but think that Metal “belongs to them”. I was a featured artist in the book, What Are You Doing Here? A Black Woman's Life and Liberation in Heavy Metal, by Laina Dawes which addresses that issue directly. I have come across my share of folks who really did wonder why I was at a Metal show or playing in Metal bands. I have played to audiences that had White Power hecklers in the audience, I have had bands turn me down or want me out of a band because I didn’t, “fit the image”. So, having dealt with that, there is no way I would tolerate a racist in my own band because at some point, even the professional relationship would break down over something done or said. Some musicians may thrive on that kind of tension or friction; I am not one of them.

18.I am pushing boundaries for a reason, rock n roll is rebellion sex and drugs but things have changed will you stay true to yourself even if it means leaving the band and giving up your dreams?

I will always be me and I am not compromising again. I fought hard to overcome a lot of self-doubt and image issues and accept myself as the talented, powerful, intelligent person I am. One band I was in to cash in on a trend was a last-ditch effort to get signed and it backfired horribly. Another band was changing its musical direction – “selling out” so to speak - to the point where it was losing its teeth and killing what made it unique and made me want to join in the first place. I decided it was best to leave rather to play music I didn’t like and wasn’t excited about.

19.Lets lighten up, If you could get on stage with any band who would it be?

I can’t narrow it down to one, so: Tool. Lamb of God. Slipknot. Metallica.

20.I want you to say something you know will be controversial that you are willing to stand up for.

Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to this country, and after sacrificing everything that is decent to have him win, too many of his supporters are too proud (or embarrassed) to admit he was a mistake. But he will be elected for a second term.